Scratch Coding club

Multimedia Projects That teach Coding, CS and more!

for Grades 2 and up

Created By Ross Hoyt

Link: Class Projects Website


Mars Perseverence Rover challenge

Backround: I created an animation teaching about the NASA Mars Perseverence Rover travelled to Mars.

Interactive Assignment: Kids can add code to the Mars Rover Sprite so that it can search and collect rock samples in the landing zone.








Song-Idea Generator

Background: I created an application that provides the user with randomly-generated song ideas. Text with speed, emotion, and genre is generated, and a set of instruments to create the song with.

Teaching Concepts: Storing Data in Lists, Getting Random Data from a List based on its size, Message Broadcasting, Music.

Interactivity: Kids can add items to the data lists to create new possibilities for the song ideas. I then showed how to create one of the suggested songs using Ableton Live.


Feature 3

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